Monday, August 2, 2010

Masie e-Learning Research Grant

Through our strategic alliance with Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University, XpertLearning has come to learn of the following opportunities for research grant. We, at XpertLearning, believe that there is a lack of corporate research on e-Learning within the Middle East region. We encourage and promote research within this area for the benefit of the region. Our partnership with Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University gives us access to such opportunities and we strive to spread this knowledge among the masses within the region. Below is an outline of the Masie e-Learning Research Grant:

The Masie e-Learning Research Grant is launched by Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University to support and encourage the conduction of planned research that addresses the design, development and implementation of e-Learning in the Arab World. The grant is established to encourage research and development in the various dimensions of e-learning; support the production of original work that would further broaden and enrich research in e-learning; promote e-learning and further enhance e-learning methodologies and practices contextual to the Arab world.

The grant is named after Mr. Elliott Masie; Mr. Masie is an internationally recognized futurist, analyst, researcher and organizer on the critical topics of workforce learning, business collaboration and emerging technologies. He is the editor of Learning TRENDS by Elliot Masie, an internet newsletter read by over 52,000 business executives worldwide, and a regular columnist in professional publications.

The Masie e-Learning research grant is limited to original research projects (not initiated before) that are to be conducted within the Arab World setting and address issues pertinent to e-learning implementation in the region. The projects could be in the form of qualitative/quantitative research or best practice case study.

All submissions will be evaluated by an international well renowned Jury on the basis of:
1. Originality and innovativeness of the proposed project
2. Relevance to the Arab World
3. Timeliness and manageability of the project
4. Focus on Research Question
5. Strength of the proposed research strategy
6. Propose Research findings communication strategy

Research Fund Values
The fund allocated to the Masie e-Learning Research Grant ranges from 3,000 to 10,000 US Dollars per annum; it is decided upon based on applications submitted.

Dates and Deadlines
Announcement of the Award Annual Cycle: 1st of February of each year
Deadline for Submission of Proposals: 15th of August of each year
Proposals Review and Evaluation: 15th of August – 1st of October
Declaration of the Winners: Opening of the HBMeU Annual Congress on January 31st, 2011

For submissions or more information, please contact us at XpertLearning on +97143910503 or email

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